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ひな誕祭2日目終えて余韻が全く冷めない🙈 予想外すぎるFootstepsやってくれるし線香花火聴けるしcageで湧いちゃうしでテンション上がりまくったままアンコールのNO WARで喉を飛ばした😇 これまでの歩みを振り返るようにけやき曲やってくれるのはほんと嬉しい🥰
On this day in 1916, Jeannette Rankin became the first woman sworn into Congress. Over 100 years later we’re following in her footsteps and continuing the fight to create a Congress that looks like our country–that is of the people, by the people, and like the people it serves!